Prospect Emails


As you know, it's more important than ever for your business
to be SEEN where people are LOOKING... on the internet!

That's EXACTLY what Handyman Hookup is all about.

We make sure your ad (on our site) is ALL OVER THE PLACE, both online and offline.

When you are part of the Handyman Hookup network, YOU will be seen

Handyman Hookup will help you BOOST your business in MANY ways.
See this special 5-minute VIDEO right now (click on this link)...

Speaking of videos, when you become a Handyman Hookup member, we
will create a professional, custom-made 30-second VIDEO that tells
everyone about your services!

Here are a few SAMPLE VIDEOS you can view right now...
(just click on this link)...

Having your own video is just ONE of the MANY advantages of being
a member of Handyman Hookup.

Again, for more details, check out this special 5-minute VIDEO right now...
(just click on this link)...

Take advantage of Handyman Hookup now and
let us help you boost your business.

How much ($) ?

Your Handyman Hookup membership is just $150.00 (billed quarterly). 
And that INCLUDES tax.

Also, to make your VIDEO, we need...

> 5-7 pics (or 3-4)
> Your logo (if you have one)
> Your (public) email address to use
> Picture of you or your team or your truck
> Blurb or slogan , list of services, or wording about your business

Let me know right away, so we can get you on this list, and make YOUR video!

